Sunday, April 27, 2008

Brazilian Tourism & Travel: Belo Horizonte | State of Minas Gerais

Brazilian Tourism & Travel: Belo Horizonte State of Minas Gerais

Belo Horizonte, the capital from Minas Gerais, is proud to be one of the best cities in the Country to live. It has wide avenues, squares and forested areas, delighting everyone who visits. Fondly nicknamed Belô or Beagá, the city offers interesting leisure areas, theaters boasting an intense artistic-cultural production, good and varied cuisine, exquisite handcrafts available on the markets and specialized stores, and maintains a traditional characteristic: the mineira hospitality. The city is currently a dynamic metropolis, with 2,5 million residents. Considering the municipalities forming the Metropolitan Region, this population goes up to four million residents, according to the 2000 Census. In today’s bold and modern city, the economic development has been going through the professionalization of many different tourism segments, above all the events and business segments. For this reason the advantages this city could offer do not stop there. BH has a quality tourism infrastructure, with good airports, hotels and restaurants, a vast array of services, sophisticated shopping, active nightlife and good spaces for medium sized events, contributing for the consolidation of its vocation for the business and services sector.

Travel to Brazil Fotos Photos Pics Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais MG Brasil Brazilian Tourism Turismo e Viagem Vacation Trip Tour

  • Events
Comida di Buteco
In January and February, a specialist jury selects 31 bars which, in the months of April and May, compete to see which one makes the best appetizers.

International Theater Festival/FIT-BH Palco & Rua
With the merger of two projects that would happen separately in 1994 – one stage based, organized by the Francisco Nunes Theater, and the other street based, idealized by Grupo Galpão – came FIT-BH Palco & Rua. Produced every two years, under responsibility from the Belo Horizonte City Hall, through the Municipal Culture Office and the Association Movimento Teatro de Grupo of Minas Gerais, in the program there are street and stage shows, and also seminars, workshops, courses, talks, etc.

FID - Circulando BH
FID – Circulando BH is the new performance program from FID aiming the wide dissemination of contemporary dance in the city of Belo Horizonte. It’s the program that makes feasible presentations of groups from Belo Horizonte in their hometown.
For this project the priority invitations went to the shows created by groups and choreographers living in the city of Belo Horizonte – Raquel Pires, Meia Ponta Dance Company, Camaleão Dance Group, Idéia de Dança, Cia SeraQue?, Gabriela Christófaro, Mário Nascimento Dance Company, Dudude Herrmann and Palácio das Artes Dance Company.
The purpose is to take shows and other activities such as workshops, talks and video screenings to the less privileged regions of the city regarding access to cultural assets.

  • Attractions
Liberdade Square Architectural Complex
One of the best trips for those visiting Belo Horizonte is the landscape and architectural complex at Liberdade Square. Built at the time of the capital’s foundation, it boasts a mixture of various styles, which are the live portrait of the city’s evolution. Neoclassic (end of the XIX century), Art-Déco (1940’s decade), Modern (1950 and 1960’s decades) and Postmodern (1980). It’s also the center of the mineiro Executive power; actually, it has been designed for this purpose. It centralizes great part of the State Offices, and also the Liberdade Palace, where the Governor is based.

For quite some time Belo Horizonte held the title of “Garden City”. Even today, the amount of green preservation is impressive. There are over two million trees, including streets, parks and squares.

The belo-horizontino has double the green area recommended by the World Health Organization. There are 500 squares, contributing for a better quality of life in the city – places for sports practice, cultural demonstrations and recreation.

Pampulha Architectural Complex
The artificial lagoon was built in the 1940 decade, when Juscelino Kubitscheck was the Mayor. To compose its margins the architect Oscar Niemeyer has designed an architectural complex that became a reference and has influenced all the modern Brazilian architecture. Part of the complex are the São Francisco de Assis church, the Art Museum, Baile House and the Iate Tênis Club. Burle Marx’s gardens, Portinari’s painting and scupltures from Ceschiatti, Zamoiski and José Pedrosa complete and add value to the project conceived for the lagoon.

The Pampulha margins gather many leisure options, such as the Mineirinho stadium, the Zoo, the Lagoon’s Equestrian Preparation Center, and bike and walking tracks. Also located there is the Governador Magalhães Pinto Stadium, better known as "Mineirão".

The mineira capital has almost 30 parks and a further 200 green areas. It is an environmental heritage that contributes to make the city more pleasant for residents and visitors.

Belo Horizonte has a number of museums, among them: Mineiro Museum, Abílio Barreto Historic Museum, Arts and Workmanship Museum, Natural History Museum and the UFMG Botanic Gardens, Telephone Museum, Pampulha Art Museum, Mineralogy Museum Prof. Djalma Guimarães, UFMG Conservatory, Giramundo Museum.

Other Attractions
The city boasts other attractions, such as: observatories, movie theaters, nightclubs, live music, etc.

  • Shopping
Cachaça (sugar cane spirit)
Cachaças from all over the State, pure and aged, can be found at Banca do Ronaldo, located at Avenida Augusto de Lima, 744, stores 34 and 141, Center – Central Market. Phone numbers: +55 (31) 3274-9611 / 3274-9674; open Monday to Saturday, from 8am to 6pm, and on Sundays, 8am to 1pm.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Brazilian Tourism & Travel: Ubatuba | State of São Paulo

Brazilian Tourism & Travel: Ubatuba State of São Paulo

Ubatuba is one of the best places in Brazil to practice surf, nautical sports, and diving. There are beach options for all kinds of audiences – from the high waves of Itamambuca to the calms waters of Lázaro. Uninhabited beaches such as Brava, Almada, Cedro draw one’s attention, and the access to them is made through tracks. For those looking for movement, the best option is “Grande” Beach or the schooner rides to Anchieta Island. The services are focused on Itaquá and Centro beaches, with a developed infrastructure to welcome visitors all year long.

Another wonder Ubatuba exhibits are the preserved stretches of “Mata Atlântica” (Atlantic Forest), at Serra do Mar Park, on the region’s far north.

Travel to Brazil Fotos Photos Pics Ubatuba Sao Paulo SP Brasil Brazilian Tourism Turismo e Viagem Vacation Trip Tour

The city north limits is the historical city of Parati, in the state of Rio de Janeiro; southward, Caraguatatuba, in the state of São Paulo; westward you can reach Vale do Paraíba, in the same state.

  • Ubatuba “Horto Florestal” (Forest Garden)
It is an Experimental Station of the Agriculture Agency and is part of Campinas Agronomic Institute. Its major purpose is analyzing and studying the main plants and their adaptation to the region climate and soil. It is a beautiful and interesting walk – the “Horto” has avenues filled with leafy trees and imperial palm trees, making up a very pleasant landscape.

  • “Casa da Farinha” (Flour House)
A historical site amid the preserved “Mata Atlântica”, “Casa de Farinha” is the beginning of an important track through the "Jatobá", "Poço da Rasa" beach reaching the Corisco Hill. However, these tracks must only be taken when monitored by specialized guides, who will also be able to provide thorough information about the site history and Mata Atlântica, making the ride an unforgettable experience.

  • TAMAR Project
The Sea Turtles (TAMAR) Project was created in 1980 in order to protect from extinction five species of turtles which use the Brazilian coastline to feed and reproduce. A program to protect these species has been developed with activities designed to environmental education, scientific research, and social and community actions, involving local residents.

  • Santa Cruz Farm
A private property with most of its area inside the Serra do Mar State Park – Picinguaba Center, a state conservation unit. The Park aims at ensuring the protection of forests, wild animals, rivers, and wellsprings, toward the region environmental and tourist preservation, as well as the quality of life of residents and visitors.

  • Lagoinha Ruins – Lagoinha Beach
By means of Rio-Santos highway toward Caraguatatuba-Ubatuba, it is possible to see a traffic sign when the beach ends, showing the Lagoinha Ruins. On the left is a road, 500 meter after which, you can reach one of Ubatuba’s many attractions. It is a place where the Brazilian colonial history can be breathed in and, with a small work of imagination, you can travel back to the past and visualize foremen and slaves in their daily works.

  • Ubatuba “Mercado de Pescados” (Fish Market)
It lies beside Barra dos Pescadores and is a great shopping option for those who enjoy cooking fresh fish and seafood.

  • Ubatuba Aquarium
It provides its visitors with the chance of closely meeting some of the complex sea world, having among its attraction 12 salt water tanks – among which is one of Brazil’s largest sea tanks, with 80 thousand liters – with specimens from the local fauna and other oceans.

  • Serra do Mar State Park
Created in 1977, the Serra do Mar State Park (PESM) is the largest park in São Paulo, with 315,390 hectares devoted to preservation, environmental education, valuation of the local culture, and scientific research. Its surroundings have virtually every ecosystem representing the Mata Atlântica. Ubatuba shelters the only stretch of the PESM which reaches sea level, thus protecting the coastal ecosystems, as well as five beaches and two villages – Cambury and Picinguaba – whose residents also preserve aspects of their traditional culture. It is an environmentally strategic point as it links the PESM to Serra de Bocaina National Park by overlapping both units, integrating them to a group comprised by the Cairuçu Environmental Protection Area and the Joatinga Ecologic Reserve. already in the city of Parati, state of Rio de Janeiro.

  • Anchieta Island
It is the largest island of Ubatuba. It shelters a portion of Serra do Mar State Park. There are schooner rides which take visitors to some of its beaches – Engenho, Palmas, and Presídio. Departures from Saco da Ribeira.

  • Diving
Ubatuba has some of the best diving points of the northern coastline of São Paulo state. And it has special features – calm, clear waters with pleasant temperatures – which make up the perfect scenario for practicing free diving or snorkeling. One of the most required sites is "Praia do Leste” (Eastern Beach). Local tourist agencies offer courses and rent equipment.

  • Figueira Beach
Located in front of “Ilha do Tamanduá” (Tamanduá Island), it is great for diving and practicing nautical sports.

  • Ponta Aguda Beach
Despite of being difficult to reach, it is very much visited for fishing and nautical sports. It comprises one of the most beautiful landscapes in the region.

  • Brava do Frade Beach
It has a narrow sandy stretch and its access is only through tracks.

  • Cassandoquinha Beach
It is the starting point for one of the most beautiful ecological tracks offered there.

  • Cassandoca Beach
A former colonial farm which lived on livestock, nowadays it is one of the city’s most visited sites.

  • Maranduba Beach
A complete beach, with many natural beauties and an infrastructure of commerce and services in order to please all demands.

  • Lagoinha Beach
Ruins of the first glass factory in Brazil.

  • Bonete Beach and Grande do Bonete
One of the most gorgeous routes of São Paulo coastline, with clear sands and waters. Toward Bonete, the access is made on foot and lasts about 40 minutes, near Lagoinha.

  • Fortaleza Beach
It is full of huge rocks comprising appealing caverns and passages across the coast.

  • Brava da Fortaleza Beach
A real paradise surrounded by the Mata Atlântica.

  • Dura Beach
A large beach with a very calm sea – good for you and your children.

  • Domingas Dias Beach
A small roadstead of still and clear waters. The access is made by means of Lázaro Beach.

  • Lázaro Beach
A place with many summer resort houses, it is one of the most beautiful and peaceful beaches for bathing in the entire region.

  • Sununga Beach
Famous because it shelters the “Gruta que Chora” (Crying Cavern), a place involved in many legends and mysteries.

  • Saco da Ribeira Beach
A nautical environment with rides leading to Anchieta Island.

  • Presídio Beach
A point where schooner riders to Anchieta Island stop.

  • Sul Beach
One of the most fascinating beaches of Anchieta Island.

  • Leste Beach
Still waters, suitable to diving.

  • Lamberto Beach
It shelters the Oceanographic Institute of São Paulo University - USP.

  • Perequê Mirim Beach
Still water beaches, excellent for families.

  • Santa Rita Beach
Tiptop for children, as it has still and crystal-clear waters.

  • Enseada Beach
It has calm waters and a full hotel infrastructure.

  • Toninhas Beach
It concentrates several bars and kiosks that add to this bustling place.

  • “Grande” Beach
This is Ubatuba’s most visited beach. Excellent to practice surf.

  • Tenório Beach
It has white and soft sands across the breakwater, but the waves are extremely strong.

  • Vermelha do Centro Beach
It is covered by velvety sand with beautiful shells.

  • Itaguá Beach
It is the city’s most amusing point near downtown. It has countless bars.

  • Cruzeiro Beach (Iperoig)
The place where José de Anchieta (also known as Joseph Anchieta) wrote his poem to the Virgin.

  • Prainha do Matarazzo Beach
A small stretch of sand where the outfall of Rio Grande (river) is.

  • Perequê-Açu Beach
Four kilometer long, it is one of Ubatuba’s most traditional beaches.

  • Vermelha do Norte Beach
It has an aquatic park with a water slide. It is beside Rio-Santos road.

  • Itamambuca Beach
Known worldwide, it hosts surf championships. It is very large and has quite clear sands.

  • Ubatumirim Beach
One of the most charming views of Rio-Santos road, it is large and has a very calm sea.

  • Almada Beach
A delightful retreat for "caiçaras" (natives of Santos city)

  • Brava da Almada Beach
A paradisiacal scenario with a luxuriant nature, despite of being difficult to reach.

  • Fazenda Beach
It shelters the administrative headquarters of Serra do Mar State Park – Picinguaba Center.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Brazilian Tourism & Travel: Fortaleza | State of Ceará

Brazilian Tourism & Travel: Fortaleza | State of Ceará

To know Fortaleza is also to go on a trip on its history. The city got modernized, but still keeps signs from the past in museums, churches, fortresses, squares, stations, theaters and historic buildings. The city center is filled with those memories, such as the Fortress of Nossa Senhora da Assunção, built on the same place where the city originated, and the Luz Palace, a beautiful construction in classic style from the end of the 18th century, which used to be the State Government headquarters. However, going to the beaches is, without doubt, one of the best activities for those coming to Fortaleza. Iracema, Meireles and Futuro beaches are among the most popular options within the city. To walk on the Beira Mar Avenue promenade from the start, at Mucuripe, up to the Ingleses Bridge, at Iracema Beach, is a must-do walk, and quite reinvigorating. Boat trips by the beach margins are offered at tourist spots and are ideal for those wishing to enjoy a panoramic view of the capital. The city has a physical structure able to cater for any type of event, local and international. Ease of access to the airport, flights available to many Brazilian regions and other countries, and the privileged location make the State a natural choice for organizers of fairs, conferences and events. Add the many tourism attractions, offering first class entertainment for the tourists.

Travel to Brazil Fotos Photos Pics Fortaleza Ceara CE Brasil Brazilian Tourism Turismo e Viagem Vacation Trip Tour

  • Events
The biggest off-season Carnival in Brazil happens over a weekend in the month of July.

Ceará Music
Rock festival with local and national bands, every year in the month of November.

  • Attractions
Futuro Beach
Is the preferred urban beach among the Fortaleza swimmers and has an excellent infrastructure. The beach is quite crowded on weekends. Choose one within many kiosks and enjoy the sun.

Porto das Dunas Beach
This beach has a great infrastructure for tourism. Here is based the biggest aquatic park in Brazil.

Meireles Beach
Most of the city’s hotels are located along Meireles beach. This beach, although very pretty, is not recommended for bathing due to its proximity to the port.

Morro Branco Beach
It is a breathtaking beach. Here it is possible to walk through an impressive labyrinth of rocks.

Fontes Beach
A beach adjacent to Morro Branco, it is a paradise for bathers. Lots of sunshine, fresh breeze and the warm water are an invitation for leisure. Don’t miss the Mãe D’Água grotto.

A fascinating place with beach, dunes and lagoons, a few kilometers away from Fontes.

Canoa Quebrada Beach
Canoa Quebrada is the memory of a generation of young adventurers who, in the 1970’s, sought and alternative lifestyle, mingling with the purest Nature. These days the beach is one of the most popular in the cearense coast, without losing the humble and cozy feel of the past.

Icaraí Beach
This pretty beach is located a few kilometers from Fortaleza, on the North coast. An unmissable activity is a buggy ride in the majestic Icaraí Dunes.

Banana Lagoon
This lagoon, located near the stunning Cumbuco beach, is among the main leisure areas in Fortaleza.

Old Customs House
Between 1941 and 1945, the building went through refurbishment. Today it is a branch of Caixa Econômica Federal. Location: 287 Pessoa Anta Avenue.

Old Public Jail
The cells became stalls where a variety of cearense crafts can be found. At the upper floor of the building is the Popular Art Museum, with religious and folkloric themes, and the Mineralogy Museum, with precious and semiprecious stones from Ceará and the Northeast. Location: 350 Senador Pompeu Street. Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 8am to 6pm, and on Saturdays, 8am to noon.

Barra do Ceará
The touristic pole of Barra do Ceará stands out for its high historical and environmental value. This is the place where Pero Coelho de Sousa built the São Tiago Fortress, at the Ceará River fringe, west of the where the city of Fortaleza would later be located. The Ceará River marsh is rich in flora and fauna.

Regarding birds, there are 67 species, entertaining ornithologists and casual watchers. The Barra do Ceará salt marshes are famous since the foundation of Fortaleza. Location: Barra do Ceará district, by the margins of the Ceará River.

José de Alencar House
Small house where the cearense writer José de Alencar was born. Erected in 1826, it maintains the original structure until today. There are ruins from the first steam powered sugarcane plantation in Ceará, a collection of paintings, the Arthur Ramos museum, a library and a restaurant serving typical foods. Location: Av. Washington Soares, s/n, Sítio Alagadiço Novo, Messejana (15 km from the Fortaleza city center).

Fortaleza Metropolitan Cathedral
Its building started in 1938, at the site of the old Sé church. There were four decades of hardness, until its inauguration in 1978. With capacity for 5,000 people, the style is gothic-roman. Location: Sobral Street, s/n – Center.

Dragão do Mar Cultural Center
Inaugurated on August 7h, 1998, the Cultural Center has 30 thousand square meters of area to enliven the cearense culture and art. Attractions are the Cearense Culture Memorial, the Art Museum, the Cine-Theater, the anphitheater, the Arts Workshop and the Planetarium.
Location: 81 Dragão do Mar Street – Iracema Beach.

Teacher’s Reference Center - CRP
The Central Market used to be based at the Teacher’s Reference Center (CRP) site. Currently it is a great cultural and pedagogic center, popularizing access to culture, to communication and information technologies, allowing the use of computers connected to the Internet, where the citizen can use them for free for an hour and a half. Location: 434 Conde D'Eu Street – Center.

São Luiz Movie Theater
São Luiz Movie Theater took eighteen years of diligent work to be built and is the biggest and most luxurious cinema in Brazil. It has refinements worth of imperial palaces: Carrara marble on the floors and entrance hall walls, crystal chandeliers, details of the staircase in solid brass and a decoration on the walls of the projection room with striking artistic detail. Besides, there are 1,500 comfortable seats and a gallery for authorities. For a long time punters were required to dress in suits, such was the sumptuousness of the place. Location: 500 Floriano Peixoto Street – Center.

João Felipe Train Station
Built in 1880, the station was a bridge for arrivals and departures of trains for cargo and passenger transport from the inland to the capital. At present the station still has regular routes through the Metropolitan zone of Fortaleza. Location: Castro Carreira Square, Center.

Osvaldo Cruz Pharmacy
One of the most traditional commercial establishments in Fortaleza. It was founded around 1934 and was the first druggist in the city. The architecture has been maintained and the furniture is mostly old, with some original pieces. Location: 576 Major Facundo Street – Center.

Mucuripe Lighthouse
The old lighthouse was a homage to Princess Isabel. Built in baroque style, between 1840 and 1846, by the slaves, it ceased to operate in 1957 and was reactivated in 1982, with the Rafters Museum. Currently, the Lighthouse Museum is based there and it has become National Heritage. Location: Vicente de Castro Av., s/n – Mucuripe.

Beira-Mar Market
Typical cearense culture crafts fair open every day from 5pm. There tourists can find a large variety of crafts: pictures, colored bottles, hammocks, lace, etc. Location: Beira Mar Av. (in front of Náutico Club).

Nossa Senhora da Assunção Fortress
It was built in 1649, by the dutchman Matias Beck, at the margins of the Pajeú brook, when it was called Schoonemborch Fortress. In 1654, after the Dutch ousting, the Portuguese took over the fortress, and rebaptized it as Fortaleza de Nossa Senhora da Assunção. After 1819 the fortress took the format it has today. It is the headquarters of the Command of the 10th Military Region. Location: Alberto Nepomuceno Av., s/n. – Center.

Rosário Church
The oldest temple in the city, dating from the 18th century. Around 1970, the Fraternity of Nossa Senhora do Rosário has carried out repairs to the Church, when it was threatened with an imminent collapse. In the following year, it was erected with stone and lime. There are rumors that on the temple’s walls were buried the bodies of dead slaves. The original wooden altar, portals, images and lamps have been kept in the church. It is protected by State Law. Location: 2 Rosário Street. Leões Square – Center.

Sagrado Coração de Jesus Church
The site where this church was erected used to be a dune called Anto da Pimenta or Alto da Boa Vista, when, on September 22nd, 1848, the church’s foundation stone was launched; it would have been inaugurated on March 25th, 1886. In 1957, part of the church collapsed, and it was rebuilt with new forms by the Capuchin priests. Vicar Friar João Alberto de Araújo. Location: 135 Duque de Caxias Avenue – Center.

Central Market
It is located next to the Cathedral. It was built in 1818 to replace two other metallic structure buildings, no longer suited to go along with the city’s development. With the growth of Fortaleza, the market could no longer handle the increased activity. In 1998 it was closed for the building of the new Central Market. Location: Alberto Nepomuceno Street, 199 – Center.

Pinhões Market
The current Pinhões Market is actually just half of the old Iron Market, inaugurated on April 18th, 1897, which came from France and was dismantled in 1938. Built to be the meat market, it is today one of the newest cultural spaces of Fortaleza. Now called Arts Market, it reveals within it important initiatives for historic rescue: the restoration and conservation of an architectural patrimony, of sentimental value to the city, and the implementation of an arts center which seeks, above all, to act as an effervescent workshop for ideas and cultural products. Location: Visconde de Pelotas Square.

Castelo Branco Monument
Based at Abolição Palace, the old state government headquarters, it the place of rest of the mortal remains of the Brazilian ex-president from the dictatorship period, the cearense Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco, and his wife, Argentina Castelo Branco. It consists of a concrete block with a bold fluctuation of 30 meters and 23 plaques with excerpts from speeches and letters from the ex-president. Location: Av. Barão de Studart, 410 – Aldeota.

Arthur Ramos Museum (José de Alencar House)
It features a collection of 3,000 to 5,000 pieces, among them a Ceará indigenous culture exhibition and African pieces, a collection which belonged to the anthropologist Arthur Ramos. There are also paintings and documents from the writer José de Alencar. Location: Av. Washington Soares, s/n, Sítio Alagadiço Novo, Messejana (15 km from the Fortaleza city center).

Museum of Image and Sound
Inaugurated officially in 1980, at the building of the Menezes Pimentel Public State Library, it is part of the Audiovisual Department of the Culture Office. The collection includes over 60,000 pieces, with negatives, photographs, slides, wax records and cassettes, and also a small library with 1,600 cordel books. Location: Av. Barão de Studart, 410 – Meireles.

Ceará Museum (Provincial Assembly)
Built in 1871, the old Provincial Assembly was based there. Currently it is the headquarters of Ceará Museum, created in 1933, and known initially as Historic Museum of Ceará. The current name dates from 1950. In 1953 it became National Heritage. The collection is organized in modules, with approximately 1,141 historical and anthropological pieces arranged in various rooms. Location: 51 São Paulo Street – Center. Opens from Tuesday to Friday, from 8:30am to 5pm, and on Saturdays, from 8:30am to 12:30. On Tuesdays the entrance is free.

Maracatu Museum
Founded in 1984, it tells the story of the Maracatu in Ceará. There are 230 pieces arranged in five sections of clothing, slave house objects, musical instruments and Maracatu characters. Location: 362 Rufino de Alencar Street. Opens on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 8am to 5pm. Free entrance.

New Statue of Iracema
The work, from cearense sculptor Zenon Barreto, is six meters high, two of them the pedestal, all sculpted in iron and covered with fiberglass. The statue is presented kneeling down and arched, communicating all the pain that devastated Iracema’s heart with the loss of her beloved one, at José de Alencar’s work. Location: Tabajaras Street, s/n. Promenade – Iracema Beach.

Ceará Stately House
Inaugurated in 1914, it is the symbol of great transformations in the city’s semblance. For a long time it used to be the meeting point of the cearense society, and between 1920 and 1940 the famous Clube Iracema was based there. In 1955 the building was put for sale and acquired by Caixa Econômica Federal, which was occupying it since 1946. Location: 48 Guilherme Rocha Street. Ferreira Square – Center.

Luz Palace
Built in the end of the 18th century to be the residence of the major-captain Antônio da Costa Viana, it was the headquarters of the state government until around 1970. With neoclassic architecture, it has wide halls, built with the traditional technique of brick and timber. The Cearense Academy of Literature is based there. It is protected by State Law. Location: 1 Rosário Street – Center.

Metallic Bridge
Inaugurated in 1906 for loading and unloading passengers and cargo. It was built with metallic profiles and timber floor. Location: Iracema Beach.

Ingleses Bridge
Building started in 1923 by the English company Nestor Grifts. It has never functioned as a port. The sunset view is regarded as the most beautiful in the city. Location: Rua dos Cariris, s/n – Iracema Beach.

Mucuripe Port
The ideal place found to build the port, which would be approved in 1835, was Ponta do Mucuripe. In 1860 the port was abandoned and replaced by the Metallic Bridge, which would inevitably become Fortaleza’s port. Location: Vicente de Castro Av., s/n. – Mucuripe.

Coração de Jesus Square
It was initially called Boa Vista Square, as it was located in Alto da Boa Vista. Founded in 1880k after the inauguration of a church with the same name, the square is tree lined, with many benches, where an urban bus terminal is also based. Location: Between the Streets Solon Pinheiro, Pedro I, Jaime Benévolo and Av. Duque de Caxias.

Cristo Redentor Square
It got this name in 1922, because of the monument with a column with Christ on top, 35 meters high. It is regarded one of the most arborized squares in Fortaleza. Many cultural events happen there, as it is located between São José Theater and the Prainha Seminar. Location: Between Rufino Alencar, 25 de Março, Franco Rabelo Streets and Dom Manuel Avenue, in front of the public library and Dragão do Mar Cultural Center.

Ferreira Square
It is the vital city center, where many buildings of historic importance share the space with various commercial establishments based there. The square was inaugurated in 1929, with the name of Feira Nova. In 1842 it started to be called Largo das Trincheiras.

In 1871 it was named Ferreira Square paying homage to pharmacist Antônio Rodrigues Ferreira. Along its history, it went through many refurbishments. The last one occurred in 1991, when a new column was installed and the gardens rearranged, thus recovering the original architecture. The square was chosen by the population as the city’s icon. Location: Between Floriano Peixoto, Guilherme Rocha, General Bezerril e Pedro Borges Streets – Center.

José de Alencar Square
José de Alencar Square pays homage to the cearense writer, lawyer, government representative and minister José Martiniano de Alencar, one of the exponents of Romantism. Initially is used to be called Patrocínio Square, then Marquês de Herbal Square, and today José de Alencar Square. Location: city centre, between 24 de Maio, São Paulo, General Sampaio and Guilherme Rocha Streets.

Mártires Square
Place which staged the scenes of shootings of some heroes of the Equator Confederation. Built in 1980 in neoclassic style, it is regarded as one of the main squares in Fortaleza. In 1940 it was refurbished to look like the Public Promenade in Rio de Janeiro. Mártires Square, its current name, became National Historic Heritage. Location: Between Barão do Rio Branco, Dr. João Moreira and Floriano Peixoto Streets, next to the 10th Military Region.

São José Theater
Inaugurated in 1915. It features its own theater group, which aims to receive theater groups from the city. The Maracatu Museum is based there. It is protected by Municipal Law. Location: 326 Rufino de Alencar Street – Center.

José de Alencar Theater
Considered one of the most beautiful in the Country, it is one of the most significant artistic monuments in the city. It became national historic heritage. Location: José de Alencar Square s/n – Center.

  • Shopping
Crafts can be found at the local markets. Clothes, shoes, bags and bikinis made by the skillful cearense hands are sold at Monsenhor Tabosa Street, a huge open air shopping center.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Brazilian Tourism & Travel: Vitória | State of Espírito Santo

Brazilian Tourism & Travel: Vitória State of Espírito Santo

Founded in 1551, on Vitória island, on the margins of the equally named bay, the capital of the State of Espírito Santo extends over an area of 81 km2 and hosts two among the most important ports in the Country – Tubarão and Vitória-, through which flow a great part of the minerals Brazil exports coming from the States of Minas Gerais and Pará. The city’s first inhabitants were from the Goitacaz tribe, who called it the Guanaaní Island, that is, the Honey Island, due to the beauty of its surroundings and its waters rich in fish and shellfish. Both inside and outside Brazil, the coast along the State of Espírito Santo is famous for the variety and quantity of its fish. On the beaches of Camburi, and on the Islands of Frade and Boi, and all around the bay’s shore, fishing by flinging nets or with the “puçá” (a traditional indigenous trap for fish), is for tourists a sure guarantee of great stories or, who knows, of a trophy in the many tournaments held on the island. Ocean fishing, no doubt, is the city’s welcome card. Every year, from the Espírito Santo Yacht Club, on the beach of Canto, boats leave with contenders for the Oceanic Fishing International Championship, which gathers the greatest fishers of the so-called “beak fish” (marlins) in the world. Vitória was the stage for two fishing world records: the largest Blue Marlin “ever” caught, weighing 636 kg, caught in 1992; and the largest White Marlin, weighing 82.5 kg, caught in 1979. The best season for fishing Blue Marlin is from October to March, and for White Marlin, in November. Anyway, any time of the year, fishing in Vitória is plentiful and easy. Visitors will also find in Vitória beautiful beaches and many other attractions, such as the city’s downtown area, a witness to history with colonial buildings, palaces and churches. Vitória’s tradition also extends to the local cuisine, which uses clay pots made by local craftswomen for cooking typical dishes like “moqueca” (a fish and seafood stew) and the “capixaba pie”. Bars, restaurants and nightclubs complete the range of attractions available in the city. With an exciting nightlife, Vitória offers all the infrastructure to welcome tourists traveling on business or leisure.

Travel to Brazil Fotos Photos Pics Vitoria Espirito Santo ES Brasil Brazilian Tourism Turismo e Viagem Vacation Trip Tour

  • Attractions
Vitória’s coastline is considered as one of the best locations for marlin fishing, especially between October and March. And that because around 29 miles away from the coast there is the continental platform, which marks the change in sea depth from 100 to 1000 meters, the natural habitat of oceanic fish.

  • Beaches
Most important beach in Vitória, it is 6 km long. It concentrates the city’s cultural and sports activities, organized by the city administration. It offers a varied assortment of hotels and snack and drinking bars that, as usual, serve as main dish the “moqueca” (fish and seafood stew) and the “capixaba pie”.

Canto Beach
It is located near the Espírito Santo Yacht Club, where an yearly edition of the oceanic fishing international championship is held. The beach is bordered by a wide sidewalk that is much used for long walks and jogging.

Suá Cove
It offers a large sidewalk bordering the beach and a bicycle track, ideal for walks, jogging and riding the bicycle.

The Jurema Bend
It is formed by an embankment that connect Boi and Vitória islands. Visitors can appreciate the many snack bars spread along the coastline.

Frade Island
Connected to Vitória by a bridge, it is an area of expensive mansion houses and narrow stretches of sand with very clear waters, turned into “mini-beaches”. The most appreciated beach there is Castanheiras.

Boi Island
Connected to Vitória by an embankment. The island is surrounded by small beaches with crystalline waters. Boi Island has three neighboring islands, Galheta de Dentro, Galheta de Fora and Rasa.

  • In town
Fonte Grande Hill
This hill concentrates all TV and radio towers in the city, being 308 meters high. It offers a good view of the Vitória metropolitan area.

São Gonçalo Church
In colonial style, the chapel was built in 1707. It is located in Cidade Alta, in the downtown area.

Santa Luzia Church
The oldest building on the island, built in 1551, and considered a national monument. It currently hosts an art gallery and a research center for the University of Espírito Santo. Other churches and monasteries of high historical importance may also be seen in Vitória, such as the Rosário Church, whose construction leads us back to 1765; the ruins of São Francisco Cloister, the first Franciscan building erected out of the Brazilian Northeastern region, dating from 1591; The City Cathedral, built in 1918; and the old Jesuit School, which today hosts the State Government House, together with São Tiago Church, both buildings erected during the 17th century. Visitors can appreciate also the Domingos Martins Palace, currently used by the State Legislative Chamber, built in 1910, on the location that used to be occupied by Nossa Senhora da Misericórdia Church.

The Third Bridge
An interesting way of knowing an important part of Vitória’s coastline is by driving along the Darcy Castelo de Mendonça Bridge, also known as the “Third Bridge”. Being 3,300 meters long and reaching a height of 70 meters at its highest point, it allows visitors to see many beaches, islands and ports, including also the neighboring city of Vila Velha.

  • Shopping
Clay pots
Indispensable for preparing the “moqueca capixaba” (a traditional fish and seafood stew), clay pots can be purchased directly from local makers at the Goiabeiras Pot Makers Association (on Rua das Paneleiras, 55).

Monday, April 21, 2008

Brazilian Tourism & Travel: Santos | State of São Paulo

Brazilian Tourism & Travel: Santos State of São Paulo

Santos initially became known for its important Port, which in the beginning of the 20th Century became the largest in Latin America, especially as a result of coffee exports. In the 1960s it was soccer’s turn, and the city became famous for being home to Santos Futebol Clube, the team where the 'King of Soccer', Pelé, played. Today, Santos is the largest city on the São Paulo State coast and it has excellent structure for commerce and services. It is proud of having the largest garden in the world: 5.3 km (3.3 mi) along the shore, with a bike path along the entire extension; as well as being one of the best Brazilian destinations for diving. Its continental area conserves the dense Atlantic Forest vegetation, guaranteeing excellent outings for those who enjoy ecotourism and adventure tourism. There are also urban outings, such as museums, historical constructions, churches, and many others; attracting the attention of tourists from all over the country and the world.

Travel to Brazil Fotos Photos Pics Santos Sao Paulo SP Brasil Brazilian Tourism Turismo e Viagem

  • International Triathlon Championship
It is held annually in the month of February. It gathers a large number of triathletes from several parts of the world.

  • Laje de Santos Marine Park
This Marine Park is 45 km (28 mi) from the coast and is considered to be one of the best diving points along the Brazilian coast.

The depth varies from 18 (59 ft) to 40 meters (131 ft), and visibility can reach 40 meters (131 ft). It includes crags; reefs, which are underwater rocks; and the marine slab, which is the definition for a marine crag without vegetation and whose shape resembles a whale.

The marine slab is 55 meters (180.5 ft) long, 33 meters (108 ft) high and 185 (607 ft) meters wide, and it has a Marine lighthouse. It also includes a complex known as the “cemetery of anchors”, comprised of several of these pieces that got caught in the coral reef that surrounds the rock, as well as a sunk fishing boat, which has become a nursery for marine animals.

  • José Menino Beach
This beach is near the border with São Vicente and it receives many surfers. It has the Submarine Outfall Platform where the Pelé Museum will be built.

  • Gonzaga Beach
This is located in the liveliest part of Santos, very sought after by tourists staying in the district’s hotels. The Bandeiras Square has a Tourist Information Post and it is the final stop for the Know Santos bus line.

  • Boqueirão Beach
It has a Convenience Island with a Tourist Information Post, a Police Post, an ATM and bathrooms. It also has a modern architectonic complex. The Arts and Crafts Fair is held here on Saturday afternoons.

  • Embaré Beach
It is located in front of the Smaller Saint Anthony of Embaré Basilica. It has several kiosks with snack bars that gather many young people.

  • Aparecida Beach
Its main point is the Fonte do Sapo (Frog Fountain) where children play, skate and ride bikes. The Senior Citizen Dance is held there late Sunday afternoons.

  • Tip of the Beach
The ships can be admired from this site as they enter and leave the Port of Santos. On weekends, the Garden of Arts is held here with painting exhibits by local artists. Channel 6 and Channel 7 are also on the Tip of the Beach, a district that also includes regatta clubs, the ferryboat – exit for ferryboats to Guarujá – and the Edgard Perdigão Bridge. It is also known as the Practical Bridge, and the embarkations to the Laje de Santos ecological reserve and the small boats to the Barra Fortress depart from here.

  • Barra Fortress
This is the most important historical-military monument in the State of São Paulo and it enriches the landscapes topography. The walls or defensive curtains prop up two overlaid platforms and then unite towards the Góes beach, totaling 300 meters (985 ft). There are gate houses in the lower platform that used to be towers for sentries. The upper platform holds the main building, called the barracks, and it measures nearly 800 square meters (8611 sq. ft.). It also has an old weapons area that extends to an entrance called the “Spanish gate”. The cannons that used to be in the fortress are spread about museums in the entire country.

  • Municipal Aquarium
This is the first public aquarium in Brazil with an area of 1000 square meters (10,764 sq. ft.), inaugurated in 1945. Approximately 500 thousand people per year pass through the second most visited park in the State, surpassed only by the São Paulo Zoo. More than 200 species and a total of 800 aquatic animals from fresh and salt water occupy its 35 tanks.

  • Sea Museum
This permits a general view of the main marine groups in Brazil and several parts of the world, since 90% of the material on exhibit comes from overseas, from the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. It originated with a collection of shells, and its 21 thousand samples correspond to the largest collection of mollusks in the country. Two giant Tridacna Gigas mollusks stand out. The largest measures 1 meter, weighs 148 kilos and is from the Philippines.

  • Fishing Museum
A 23 meter (75 ft) whale skeleton is on exhibit as are stuffed marine fauna, processed in the museum’s Taxidermy Section. The Sands and Shells Room gathers samples of sand from several beaches along the Brazilian coast.

On the ground floor, the Petrobrás Ludic Wing encompasses three thematic areas: The Sea Room simulates the ecosystems that cover the sea – sandy bottom, sandy beach, rocky coast and mangrove; from the ground level and basement of the room, animals and plants made of resin can be observed through glass; and in the Boat Room, the feeling of the prow of a sailboat is simulated as you handle an ancient helm that moves a platform and changes the course shown on the compass.

  • Embaré Church
The neo-Gothic architecture of the Smaller Saint Anthony of Embaré Basilica is seen in the point arcs, stained glass windows and rosettes. Although the Gothic demands representations of Christ and Our Lady, the Basilica has an effigy of the patron saint.

  • Escolástica Rosa
This was the first professionalizing school in the country and it has courses in nutrition, metallurgy and high school extension. The project by engineer Ramos de Azevedo foresaw a five-block division, similar to hospital pavilions.

  • Tip of the Beach Piers
Although defined as structures built on pillars over the sea and buried in the ground, destined to serve as docks, in Santos the piers gather visitors with two pleasant beer houses. They provide a privileged view of the ships as they enter and leave the port, the fishing boats setting out for high seas, tourist yachts and the impressive Barra Fortress.

Measuring 70 meters (230 ft) long and more than 30 meters (99 ft) wide, the two establishments, with approximately 230 square meters (2475 sq. ft.), have capacity for nearly 400 people.

  • Draining canals
Although the city has 19 canals that are from 50 (164 ft) to 3450 meters (11,319 ft) long, those that empty on the beach are more popularly known as numbers 1 thru 7 and the serve as a reference for any place you want to go.

  • Schooner Ride
There are several outings to get to know Santos Bay, passing by the Barra Fortress, Palmas Island, Góes, Cheira Limão and Sangava Beaches – located in Guarujá – and Urubuqueçaba Island , on the border with São Vicente. You can also see, from a different view point, the beaches of José Menino, Pompéia, Gonzaga, Boqueirão, Embaré, Aparecida and Ponta da Praia, all in Santos.

In the opposite direction, through the Bertioga Canal and the estuary, the highlights are the port and its warehouses, the ancient constructions of the State of São Paulo Dock Company (Codesp), Barnabé Island, the Santos Air Base and Diana island – where a community of 200 fishermen live, mangroves and part of the Santos continental area.

  • Know Santos Bus Line
These air-conditioned microbuses have capacity for 25 passengers. They operate on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, departing at 9Am, 11AM, 2PM, and 4PM. The starting point is the Bandeiras Square in the Gonzaga District.

  • Trolley Car Tourist Line
It covers the streets and squares in the Historical Center for 10 minutes and includes guides and members of the "Grandma Knows All" program - elderly who tell curious tales of the local past. The open vehicle is from the 1920s and it began to run again in September 2000 after being restored.

  • Cabuçú
The high point of this outing is the waterfalls, which is nearly 10 meters (33 ft) high and falls upon a rock, forming a natural pool. Large trees – some with identifications on their trunks – delimit the main trail. Cabuçu is from Tupi-Guarani and means “large wasp”.

The farm represents a historical reference for the Santos area since it served as shelter for the Company of Jesus, which during the colonization period, set up a post to convert Indians on that site.

  • Caeté Lookout
Standing 260 meters (853 ft) high, the Caeté Lookout can be reached over a steep 1200 meter (3937 ft) long trail, ideal for visitors interested in practicing intense physical exercise.

  • Diana Estate
Murrah buffalo are raised here in an area that calls people's attention due to the rural scenery, very unusual in a typically beach city. The estate has 82 hectares and lies in the Diana River valley. The river waters change suddenly from crystal clear to dark as a result of the organic matter in suspension as it flows over the plateau. There is diversified fauna and several species of vegetation along not very long trails, appropriate for children and the elderly.

  • Itatinga
A few kilometers by car, a quick boat crossing and a journey by trolley through the Atlantic Forest takes you to the Itatinga Village trails. Besides the walks, you can enjoy the beach of stones formed by the Itatinga river, which in Tupi-Guarani means “white stone”. It has some simple and other steep trails that can reach 730 meters (2395 ft) high and provide a beautiful view of the ruins that tell the story of the Jesuit missions, the Itatinga, Itapanhaú Rivers and the scenery from Bertioga to Alcatrazes Island.

  • Jurubatuba
The Jurubatuba and Jurubatuba-Mirim rivers form paths in their valleys where the water and natural pools created along their way call attention. They belong to a complex of Southeast basins where the rivers head straight to the Atlantic Ocean. The abundance and purity of the waters are responsible for the important existing gathering system that supplies the neighboring city of Guarujá. In Tupi-Guarani, Jurubatuba means “happy place’.

  • Port of Santos
Considered the largest port in Latin America, its installations occupy 7.7 million square meters and approximately 14 km in length, stretching to both margins of the estuary to Guarujá and Cubatão, where we find the Paulista Steel Company (Cosipa) and Ultrafértil terminals. Almost 40% of the GDP passes through the Port of Santos.

  • Coffee Museum
The Museum of Brazilian Coffees is here and its Auction Room has the same hardwood benches that used to accommodate the old brokers. The domelike pink and white ceiling has a skylight in the center with stained glass by Benedicto Calixto, the artist who is also responsible for the frescoes that portray the different phases of Santos history. The building also has the Coffee Preparation Center (CPC) that gives courses on the subject, the Museum’s Coffee Shop where you can enjoy export quality Brazilian coffee, a library and a restaurant. A collection of objects connected to the product completes the four floor exhibit.

  • Santos-Jundiaí Station
Also known as the Valongo Station, the Santos-Jundiaí Railroad presents influence from Victorian English architecture, resembling the Victoria Station in London.

  • Church of the First Order of Carmo
Although raised 150 years before the Church of the Third Order of Carmo, it is connected to the latter by a tower with a belfry built for economic reasons to serve both churches, thus creating an uncommon baroque façade.

Overlaid with original Marian tiles from the 17th Century, this tower is topped with a dome and a narrow balcony. It also has Benedicto Calixto paintings and hardwood benches for the clergy. It is all gold-plated, as are the eight side altars. The first one, to the right, has a copy of the image of Our Lady of Mount Serrat from Catalonia (Spain), donated by the then Spanish colony since she was the patron saint of Santos.

  • Church of the Third Order of Carmo
Internally, the four columns that support the choir loft have basins of holy water. They were carved into the ‘singing stone’, the same material as the pulpit console and the sink of holy water (1710). The name comes from the habit the slaves had of singing to mark the rhythm for the joint effort that permitted the removal of blocks of rock from the mine.

  • Cathedral Church
The city’s mother church is in neo-Gothic style resembling the European temples. The layout was designed by the Prussian engineer Maximilian Hell, who was also responsible for the Sé Cathedral architecture in São Paulo.

  • Valongo Church
This important sample of the Franciscan fathers’ constructions has a large cross in the space in front of the building. Before the nave, the gallery that was used to congregate the community was expanded in Brazil because it created a shaded area that alleviated the rigorous climate.

  • Monte Serrat
This landmark is in the heart of the city, and at the top it has the Our Lady of Mount Serrat Sanctuary, the patron saint of Saints and celebrated on September 8. It is accessed by trolley, which operates on funicular system rails; or a stairway with 415 steps, with 14 niches containing Via Sacra representations. Located 157 meters above sea level, it permits a 360 degree view of the city and partial views of the cities of São Vicente, Cubatão, Guarujá and Praia Grande.

  • Sacred Art Museum
It is located in the old São Bento Monastery building. Inaugurated in 1981, it has a collection of nearly 600 pieces, more than 400 of which are on exhibit.

  • Santa Catarina Hill
This is the landmark for the foundation of the city. The Archive Foundation and Memory of Santos building is here with photographic and document collections, a library, and an exhibit of photos and engravings.

  • Andradas Pantheon
It contains the mortal remains of José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, the Patriarch of Independence, and his brothers, Antônio Carlos, Martim Francisco and Father Patrício Manuel. It was inaugurated September 7, 1923. The building’s architecture was inspired on the Masonic temples, because Bonifácio was the first Grand Master Mason in Brazil.

  • Botanical Gardens
The Chico Mendes Botanical Garden with its 90 thousand square meters of green area is responsible for the production of seedlings that supply the beach garden and all other public places in the city. It has a live collection with more than 300 vegetal species, divided into 20 collections. The most prominent are the samples from the Amazon, the Atlantic Forest, the hardwood trees, the Brazil-wood woods – inaugurated in 2001 – and 65 qualities of palm tree, including the Imperial Palm used for lining Ana Costa Avenue with trees.

  • Santos Futebol Clube
The Urbano Caldeira Stadium – the “Alçapão da Vila” (Vila Trap) – is where the history of the team that projected the name of the city of Santos to the world was made. The glories of the club are exhibited in the Trophy Room, with more than 500 pieces won in several modalities, such as professional and amateur soccer, volleyball, basketball, judo and karate.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Brazilian Tourism & Travel: João Pessoa | State of Paraíba

Brazilian Tourism & Travel: João Pessoa State of Paraíba

The paraibana capital is one of the oldest in the Northeast of the Country. João Pessoa, throughout its 400 years, knew how to keep its historic treasures. At Barroco Park – one of the biggest in Brazil – the slopes and the old colonial mansions tell a bit about the journey of this delightful city, which marvels visitors with some of the most beautiful beaches of the Brazilian coastline. Contrasting with the secular architectural wealth, emerge the modern and sophisticated buildings, giving João Pessoa that business city feel. Big theaters, auditoriums and convention centers are part of the available infrastructure in the city; ready to host the most varied types of events and business meetings.

Travel to Brazil Fotos Photos Pics Joao Pessoa Paraiba PB Brasil Brazilian Tourism Turismo e Viagem

  • Micaroa
Off-season Carnival party, gathering many revelers in the month of January.

  • Passion of Christ
Enactment of Jesus Christ’s steps to the calvary. It happens in open air, at Pedro Américo Square, in the month of March.

The National Arts Festival (FENART) is an event which occurs every year at the José Lins do Rego Cultural Space, usually in the first semester; bringing art from all over Brazil and from many parts of the world to the paraibana capital.

  • Barra de Mamanguape Beach
The waves are small, because of the reefs. It shelters the headquarters of a project for the protection of the marine manatee.

  • Campina Beach
There are small dunes and mounts of fine and white sand. Cocount trees embellish all the beach margin. The waves are strong and attract a lot of surfers.

  • Oiteiro Beach
Also packed with coconut trees and sand mounts, it attracts plenty of surfers to the strong waves waters.

  • Bessa Beach
Urban beach, with still waters and many coconut trees. The Paraíba Yacht Club is located there.

  • Manaíra Beach
With many reefs, the waves are small and there are many kiosks to serve visitors.

  • Tambaú Beach
It is an urban beach, with a promenade and many kiosks. There are regular craft fairs there.

  • Cabo Branco Beach
Another urbanized beach in João Pessoa, Cabo Branco has a good promenade for sunset walks.

  • Ponta do Seixas Beach
The easternmost point in South America is there.

  • Barra do Gramame Beach
Good for bathing, Gramame has still waters and is surrounded by fishermen’s houses.

  • Barroco Park
It is formed by the colonial mansions scattered around the upper and lower regions of the city. The secular architectural complex represents one of the biggest historic treasures in Brazil. To walk on the stone streets contemplating the colorful mansions takes anyone on a trip into the past of João Pessoa.

  • Theatro Santa Roza
A building from 1889, this theater was decorated in baroque style. It is one of the oldest theaters in the Country. It is located at Pedro Américo Square. Telephone: +55 (83) 3218-4384.

  • Redenção Palace
Erected in 1586, Redenção Palace used to be the home of the old Jesuits convent. Today the building is the State Government headquarters.

  • Cabo Branco Lighthouse
It is located at the easternmost inland point in the Country and allows one of the most beautiful panoramic views of the city; from there all the Ponta do Seixas beach can be seen.

  • Santa Catarina Fortress
The fortress built in 1586 comprises the captain’s house, a chapel and cannons from the XVI century. It is open for visitors daily, from 8am to 5:30pm and there is staff available for guided visits. Access to the Fortress is made next to the port. It is located at Ponta de Matos beach, municipality of Cabedelo – 25km from João Pessoa.

  • Saint Francis Church and Saint Anthony Convent
Totally embellished in baroque style, the church and the convent were built in 1589 and 1779, respectively. The highlights are the chapels of the Third Order of Saint Francis and Saint Benedict, featuring Portuguese ceramic panels and sacristy. The spaces also feature, regularly, popular art exhibitions. There are guided visits and opening hours are 9am to noon and 2pm to 5pm, every day. It is located at São Francisco Square.

  • São Frei Pedro Gonçalves Church
Erected in 1843, the church was restored in 2002 and features the foundations from the old XVII century building. In front of it there are many restored colonial mansions, making a pretty architectural set. The church is open to the public Monday to Saturday from 9am to 6pm, and on Sundays from 3pm to 6pm. It is located at São

  • Arruda Câmara Park
This Park is a real oasis amidst the movement in the Center of João Pessoa. Also known as “Bica”, because of an old mineral water fountain, it features a zoo, botanic garden and leisure areas. Arruda Câmara Park is certainly one of the most pleasant trips for visitors, bringing together ecology, education and culture.

  • Solon de Lucena Park
Located at the commercial center of the paraibana capital, Solon de Lucena Park, also known as “Lagoa”, is filled with centenary imperial palm trees, golden trumpet trees and acacias – the tree symbol of the city. At the center there is a luminous fountain, which on party nights lits this delightful tourist spot in João Pessoa.

  • Boat trips to Picãozinho
This beautiful place is formed by coral reefs next to the coast. There are natural pools, excellent for bathing during the low tide. It takes 15 minutes by boat to get there.

  • Crafts and regional products
Paraibano Crafts Market (MAP) – There it is possible to find samples of everything that’s produced through workmanship in all of the State of Paraíba, including foods, such as: curd-cheese and butter-cheese, manioc gum, raw brown sugar block, country honey, among others. The Market is located at Senador Rui Carneiro Avenue, Tambaú.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Brazilian Tourism & Travel: Guarapari | State of Espírito Santo

Brazilian Tourism & Travel: Guarapari State of Espírito Santo

The city of Guarapari is located on the coast of the state of Espírito Santo, at only 55km (34.18 mi.) from Vitória, the Capixaba* capital. It was founded in 1585, by Father José de Anchieta**. The self-called “Health City”, Guarapari has one beach of monazitic sands: the Beach of the Black Sand, the most famous and most visited beach of the city. It is believed that such sands offer medicinal qualities, with most notable effects in cases of rheumatism, arthritis and gout.

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To complete the feeling of well being of those who go to the beach, there are bars, kiosks and restaurants all over the border of the beach. Besides having beautiful beaches, such as the Castanheiras and Morro beaches, the city is greatly sought by the sportsmen who are into diving. The area offers great places for the practice of that activity. There are many accredited diving schools and professionals that offer tours and courses for the visitors who want to learn how to dive.

* Adj. related to the State of Espírito Santo.
**José de Anchieta (1534-1597) was a Spanish Jesuit missionary in Brazil, South America, in the second half of the 16th century. A highly influential figure in Brazil's history in the first century after its discovery on April 21, 1500 by a Portuguese fleet commanded by Pedro Álvares Cabral, Anchieta was one of the founders of São Paulo, in 1554, and Rio de Janeiro, in 1565. He was a writer and poet, and is considered the first Brazilian writer.

  • Beaches
Setiba Pina
It is formed by a large area of preservation area, with lagoons, dunes and wild chestnut tress.

Três Praias (Three Beaches)
Those are three small beaches, which are separate by rocks. Access is gained through a private property. It has a barbecue area, bathrooms, and child’s playground.

Dos Adventistas (Adventist’s Beach)
Divided by rock formations, access is gained on foot, from the Três Paias beach.

Da Aldeia (Beach of the Settlement)
It can be reached through the rocks, coming for the Dos Adventistas beach, or by car, through a private condominium that is located between the road and the beach.

Do Morro (Hill’s Beach)
One of the most urban beaches from Guarapari, it has a large sidewalk near the beach and lots of activities around the clock.

Do Meio (Siribeira) (Middle’s Beach)
Its shallow waters form pleasant natural swimming pools among the rocks, perfect for the practice of the snorkeling and for the enjoyment of the children.

Areia Preta (Black Sand)
It is a quite busy urban beach during the summer. It has the famous monazitc sands.

Enseada Azul (Blue Lagoon Beach)
It is formed by the Guaibura, Peracanga, and Bacutia beaches. Its waters are clear, being protected by the hills. It also has good natural swimming pools.

Dos Padres (Priests’ Beach)
It is a small and beautiful beach, surrounded by rocks, woods, and wild chestnut trees. Access is gained on foot, after a short hike on the trail that starts at the Enseada Verde (Green Bay).

Rocks, white sands, and a fishermen’s village form that beach, which is quite busy in the summer.

  • Sports
From December to May, the visibility of the waters is 15 meters (49.21 ft.), which makes Guarapari a perfect area for the practice of diving. The diversity of colorful species of fish, rays, dolphins, and turtles attract sportsmen from all over the world. At less than 1 hour from the wharf it is possible to explore islands, shipwrecks, and reefs.

  • Other attractions
Old Mother Church
Built by Father Anchieta in 1585, the old Mother Church of Guarapari has its doors outlined with seashells, quite an original work.

Paulo César Vinha State Park (Setiba)
The Park comprises an area of 1,500 hectares (3,706.58 acres) from the place called Ponta da Fruta, in the town of Vila Velha, to Guarapari. It has beaches, lagoon vegetation, dunes, and ponds.

Expo Mar (Expo Sea)
It is a large aquarium with more than 100 species of sea animals. There are guided tour, taken with the guidance of accredited guides. It is located in the Gaivotas Island (Seagulls Island), next to the bridge that serves as access to the Morro beach.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Brazilian Tourism & Travel: Ilha do Mel (Honey Island) | State of Paraná

Brazilian Tourism & Travel: Ilha do Mel (Honey Island) State of Paraná

Ilha do Mel is 95 km (59 miles) from Curitiba, in the district of Paranaguá. It has countless beaches and trails, an old fortress, a lighthouse and a great nightlife, all of this within its 2762 hectares. The Island’s most famous attractions are its beautiful beaches and an important ecological reserve. Access is by boat, and arrival is at the Village of Nova Brasília, over a strait from where it is possible to see the sea on both sides, or at Praia Encantada (Enchanted Beach). Ilha do Mel has trails that run between hills and over plains that lead to locations with rare beauty. The trip impresses not only with its scenery, but also with the opportunity to be in touch with the area’s rich fauna and flora. There, even the red-topped parrot, which is an endangered species, fly about freely. The best time of year to visit the island is during the summer, between the months of December and March, because there is a lot of rain the rest of the year.

  • Praia da Fortaleza
This beach is home to the Our Lady of Pleasures Fortress, the construction of which began in 1766. It is still possible to find weapons from the period in the area. From its lookout, one can see the Superagui and Peças Islands. To reach the Fortress it is necessary to walk about 1 hour. By boat, the trip takes 10 minutes.

  • Praia do Farol das Conchas
In reality, this beach is a waterfront. Its main attraction is the Conchas Lighthouse. Raised in 1872, it guides the navigators at the entrance to the Paranaguá Bay. Access is on foot from the Nova Brasília Village and it takes about 5 minutes. It is home to beautiful sights.

  • Praia de Fora do Farol
This is a tiny bay between rocky cliffs. Natural pools are formed there during low tide. It is a 10 minute walk from the village of Nova Brasília.

  • Praia Grande
Praia Grande is a semi-deserted beach that is greatly sought after by surfers. It is a 25 minute walk from the village of Nova Brasília.

  • Praia do Miguel
Deserted and surrounded by cliffs and native vegetation, it forms beautiful scenery. Access is on foot from the Nova Brasília Village or Encantadas Village, and it takes about 1 hour.

  • Praia de Fora das Encantadas
This beach is semi-deserted and it has snack bars and bars. The Encantadas Cavern is in its rocky cliffs. It about a 1 hour 50 minute walk from the village of Nova Brasília; or a 10 minute walk from the village of Encantadas.

  • Praia do Limoeiro
This beach is to the north and it is more deserted than the others. It has infrastructure with inns and restaurants. It is a 5 minute walk from the village of Nova Brasília.

  • Praia Encantadas
This is a waterfront for boats, inns and restaurants. It is a 2 hour walk, or 10 minutes by boat, from the village of Nova Brasília.

  • In Paranaguá:
Art Market: Straw, wood and weaving arts and crafts. Open daily from 8AM to 7PM. It is located on 29 de Julho Square (Rua da Praia).

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Brazilian Tourism & Travel: Humaitá | State of Amazonas

Brazilian Tourism & Travel: Humaitá State of Amazonas

Humaitá is known to sports fishing lovers around Brazil and the world. It stays close to rivers Roosevelt and Madeirinha – effluents of the Amazon River, region considered perfect for ecologically correct fishing.

The city, which gives support to visitors who fish there, is located in the south of the State of Amazonas, on the left margin of the Madeira River Hydroway, in the trunking of two Federal Highways, BR-319 and BR-230.

From there to the State capital, 959 km of travel by water, navigable all year round. Many groups of sports people and adventurers circulate through this waters, ready to explore the region every season.

  • River Roosevelt Lodge
Located in an unexplored region of the Amazon, surrounded by virgin forest, where Rivers Roosevelt and Madeirinhas meet, at the foot of Santa Rita waterfall. It was designed to offer the ideal conditions for sports fishing. It has a natural beach with 24hr lighting; 6m, 25HP motorboats; thermal box with drinks and chairs for two people; special guides; and a thousand meter landing strip.

Leisure options are many, including ecological trails; boat tours through Igapó (temprarily flooded) forest; bird and animal watching; observatory with 360º vision (approximately 300 m high); outpost at Morcego waterfall with Jatuarana and Matrinchã fishing from November to May; visits to the ice plant, which has a 400 kg/day capacity; and many others.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tourism: Brasília | The Brazilian Capital

Tourism: Brasília The Brazilian Capital

The Brazilian capital is the only city in the world built in the 20th century to be considered, since 1987, a Historical and Cultural Heritage of Humanity by Unesco, an UN agency. And there are plenty of reasons for such renown: the young city, inaugurated in 1960, surprises even the most experienced travelers.

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Brasília is located in the Federal District, in the central area of Brazil – the true heart of the Country -, in the State of Goiás. It was not projected just for the sake of being a new capital city. It stands out, in worldwide terms, for expressing the application of the principles established in the Letter of Athens, from 1943 - integrated into a national self-determination and development strategy.

Brasília is the result of a modern urban project designed by Lúcio Costa. If seen from above, the city’s pilot plan resembles the shape of an airplane – many prefer to refer to it as a bird with open wings –, although the architect’s original urban concept appointed to the shape of a cross, to symbolize possession. The city’s project is up to this day a world reference when the issue is urban planning. The idea of spreading residential buildings around expansive urban areas, of tracing the city plan around large avenues and dividing it into sectors, has produced an intense debate and reflections on life in big cities in the 20th century.

The city hosts also a varied assortment of art works from great artists like Bruno Giorgi, Alfredo Ceschiatti, Athos Bulcão, Marienne Peretti, Volpi, Di Cavalcanti, Victor Brecheret and Burle Marx whose works have been integrated into the city’s architecture, making of it an unique landscape.

A scenario for political events, music performances and movie festivals, Brasília is a cosmopolitan city, with around 90 embassies, a wide range of restaurants and complete infrastructure ready to host any kind of event. Not surprisingly, the city stands out as an important business tourism destination, which is a raising segment of the local economy, crowding dozens of hotels spread around the national capital. Brasília has a little bit of every corner of Brazil. Building a national capital in the heart of the Country required a large workforce and attracted people from all corners of the national territory.



  • The Metropolitan Cathedral of Brasilia
Designed by Oscar Niemeyer, it was inaugurated in 1970. With a round shape, and being structured around 16 curved pillars filled with beautiful stained glass works, designed by Marianne Peretti – their disposition ensures natural lighting into the aisle, built below street level.

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Around the church, in the outside area, visitors can see Alfredo Ceschiatti’s sculptures – the four evangelists – and inside, suspended angels. There are also paintings by Di Cavalcanti, representing the stages of the Passion of Christ, and paintings by Athos Bulcão. The Cathedral is located in the Monumental Axle, at the entry of the Ministries Plateau. It is opened daily from 8 am to 7:30 pm. Information: +55 (61) 224-4073. Visits are not allowed during masses.

  • The Dom Bosco Sanctuary
It is surrounded by 16-meter high arches that support immense stained glass works with many tones of blue. Filled with lighter points of blue, they give viewers the impression of seeing a star spangled sky and of changing places according to the position of the Sun. The central chandelier contains 7,400 Murano glass cups. The Sanctuary was inaugurated in 1963 and is located on Avenue W3 south, court 702. Information: +55 (61) 223-6542. Visits are allowed from Monday thru Friday from 7 am to 7 pm, and on Sundays, from 7 am to 12 pm and from 3 pm to 8 pm.

  • The Temple of the “Legião da Boa Vontade” (Good Will Legion)
Open 24 hours a day, the construction in the shape of a pyramid has its floors decorated with granite spirals. On the temple’s top ceiling, a 40-cm and 21-Kg crystal stone renders a positive energy to the temple, as idealized by its designers. There is also an Egyptian Room, an art gallery and a gifts store. It is located in the Great Areas South Sector (SGAS), court 915. Information: +55 (61) 245-1070.

  • The Central Bank’s Values Museum
It offers a permanent exhibition of national and foreign coins and paper money. It also hosts an exhibition on gold mining showing the largest gold stone found in Brazil, weighing 62 kg. The Museum is located in the Headquarter Building of the Brazilian Central Bank – Banking Sector South (SBS), court 3, block B. Information: +55 (61) 414-2093. It is opened for visits from Tuesday thru Friday, from 10 am to 5: 30 pm and on Saturdays, from 2 pm to 6 pm.

  • The JK Memorial
As a highlight of the Monumental Axle area, this is a homage to the conceiver and founder of Brasilia, President Juscelino Kubitschek. The memorial’s halls host the museum – with pictures, documents and personal objects related to the life of JK - and the Mortuary Chamber, with the ex-president’s tomb. It is opened from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9 am to 6 pm. It is located in the Monumental Axle, on Cruzeiro Plaza. Information: +55 (61) 225-9451.

  • National Museum of Gems
It hosts a permanent exhibition of Brazilian gems and crystals. It is located inside the TV Tower Panoramic Hall, in the Monumental Axle. It is opened from Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 6 pm, and on Saturdays, from 10 am to 4 pm. Information: +55 (61) 323-1881.

  • Banco do Brasil Cultural Center – CCBB
It hosts temporary exhibits, art shows and theater and dance shows. It also hosts a snack bar, a gifts store and an auditorium, where this Cultural Center hosts debates on a wide range of issues, including reading tables and other events. It is opened from Tuesday to Sunday, from 12 pm to 9 pm. It is located in the Sports Clubs Sector South (SCES), section 2, lot 22. It is close to the JK Bridge and to the Brasilia Tennis Academy. Information: +55 (61) 310-7087.

  • The Press Museum
This museum’s greatest highlight is the printing press used by the famous Brazilian writer, Machado de Assis, who worked as book printer during his youth. There are also exemplars of the Official Daily in which the “Lei Áurea” (the Law ending with slavery in Brazil) and the Republic Proclamation Act were published in the late 19th century. It is opened from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm. It is located in the Graphic Industry Sector (SIG), court 6, lot 800. Information: +55 (61) 441-9619.

  • Indigenous Peoples Memorial
It hosts indigenous utilitarian – such as ceramics, vessels and hammocks – and ritual – “cocares” (head accessories used by Brazilian tribes) and collars – works made by indigenous tribes from all over Brazil. The museum is opened from Tuesday to Friday, from 9 am o 5 pm, and on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 am to 5 pm. It is located in the Monumental Axle, on Buriti Square, just across the JK Memorial. Information: +55 (61) 226-5206.

  • The City Park – Sarah Kubitschek
Located inside the city’s Pilot Plan, the “Parque da Cidade” (City Park”), extends over four million square meters. It includes landscape works of Burle Marx, and wall tiles that decorate restrooms in the Park designed by Athos Bulcão. Equipped with sports courts, a horse track, a racing kart track, skate tracks, playgrounds for children, bicycle tracks and trails for walks and jogging, the City Park attracts hundreds of people everyday, specially on weekends. The Park’s main entrance is located in the Monumental Axle South, but there are secondary exits that lead to other areas in the city’s South Wing. Information: +55 (61) 325-1092.

  • The Brasilia Botanical Gardens
It was founded in March 1985 and since then has been through many reformation works to comply with its original philosophical – to be a sample of the “cerrado” (the dry pasture vegetation typical of Central Brazil) landscape -, and technical requirements – to become a space dedicated to research, environmental education and leisure for the city’s population. It offers to visitors the typical vegetation of the “cerrado” area, trails for walks, a belvedere, from where visitors can see almost all the park’s area, and a Visitors Center, which offers support and information those interested in knowing its attractions. There are, for instance, gardens with native and exotic plants, all of which are identified with signaling tags, including also some areas for picnics. It is opened from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9 am to 5 pm. It is located in the Dom Bosco Mansions Sector, complex 12, South Lake – access through the road leading to the city of Unaí. Information: +55 (61) 366-2141. Each visitor must pay a fee to get in, at a symbolic low price.

  • The Brasilia National Park
It extends over 30 thousand hectares. It is known by locals as “Água Mineral” (Mineral Water) – due to its springs and pools of running water formed out of water pools that emerge from the margins of Acampamento Stream. Besides its natural pools, there is also two trails for walks: the Capivara Trail, being 1,3 km long, and which may be covered in 20 minutes; and the Cristal Água Trail, which requires an one-hour walk to cover its 5-km extension. On calmer days, it is possible to see specimen from the local fauna, such as armadillos, monkeys and “capybaras” (a local large rodent mammal). The Park is opened all through the year, but its best season is between May and October. It is opened from 8 am to 4 pm, and visitors may pay a fee to get it. It is located on Via EPIA BR-040, Urban Military Sector, 9th km. For ticket price and other information: +55 (061) 465-2016.

  • The Imperial Plateau Park
50 km away from Brasilia, the Imperial Plateau is located inside an “APA” – an Environmental Protection Area. The guided tour goes along trails and waterfalls, with halts for bathing and diving. The tour goes from 9 am to 5:30 pm, including transportation and lunch. It requires booking with antecedence, and visitors should wear sneakers, hat or cap, and solar protectors, bringing also light food for intervals, before and after lunch. Access to the Park is available through the DF-220 roadway, along 50 km, 16 of which run on an unpaved road. It is opened daily from 8 am to 6 pm. For ticket prices and other information call: +55 +55 (61) 345-8668.

Thematic Parks
  • The Brasilia Zoo
It occupies an 140-hectare area , near the Wild Life Sanctuary of Riacho Fundo, with 440 hectares, and the Birds Park, with 110 hectares, and all of them are managed by the Ecological Pole Foundation of Brasilia (FunPEB), comprising a total area of 690 hectares. The zoo hosts approximately 1,300 animals including birds, reptiles and mammals, in a total of 253 species, especially those that represent the original South American fauna – some of which live under the threat of extinction. The tour inside the Zoo may also be covered by car. The Zoo was not intended to be a place only for occasional visitations, but also for a deeper interaction with nature, the preservation of threatened species, environmental research and education. Besides all these animals, the zoo also offers snack bars, an arena theater, auditorium, a small library and also a Taxidermy Museum, including also wide and greenish areas protected under the shade of trees. The Brasilia zoo is opened from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9 am to 5 pm. Visitors must buy individual tickets. For ticket prices and other information, call: +55 (61) 345-3622.

  • Bay Park
Water park, with six water toboggans – including an outdoors, 20-meter high one, and also an outdoors, 35-meter high one -, including also wavy pools, an artificial river with running streams and pools for children. It is located in the Hotels and Tourism Sector North, section 2, complex 5. It is opened from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 5 pm. For ticket prices and other information, call: +55 (61) 306-3000.

  • Helicopter panoramic flight
Flying over the Monumental Axle at a height of 140 meters, during around 10 minutes. Helicopters can take three passengers. The ride is available every day, from 9 am to 7 pm. For ticket price and other information: +55 (61) 323-8777. Helicopters leaven from beside the TV Tower, in the Monumental Axle.

  • Boat ride on Paranoá Lake
This is a two-hour ride on the Lake, through the JK Bridge, and requires a minimum of 15 people to departure from the ASBAC Club. Rides are available on Saturdays and Sundays, from 10 am to 2 pm. For ticket prices, reservations and other information: +55 (61) 9982-1161.

  • Catetinho (The Small “Catete” Palace)
First construction of Brasilia, erected in 1956, when the capital was still under construction – it was then the official residence of Juscelino Kubitschek, then President of the Republic. Visitors can appreciate here furniture and objects from that period, used when the first steps were taken to turn Brasilia into our national federal capital. Access to Catetinho is available through BR-040 roadway, on the Belo Horizonte direction, close to the Brasilia Country Club. It is opened daily, from 9 am to 5 pm. Information: +55 (61) 338-8694.

  • Television Tower
A Lúcio Costa project, with 224 meters of height, is deemed as an obligatory visit for tourists in the city. From up there, visitors can view the Pilot Plan, from a platform 75 meters up from the ground, with capacity for 150 people. In late afternoons, many visitors come up the Tower to view Brasilia’s the beautiful sunset. Around the Tower visitors find the largest and most traditional handcrafts fair in Brasilia. Right across from it there is a sculpture to celebrate the "Space Era", by Alexandre Wakenwith and, on a lower platform, at a height of 25 meters, visitors find the Gems Museum. The TV Tower is located in the Monumental Axle. The Fair and the Belvedere are opened on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, from 8 am to 5:45 pm. Information: +55 (61) 325-5735.

  • The Alvorada Palace
This is Brazilian Presidents’ official residence. Surrounded by a giant garden, the building is known for its white marble columns that have become a symbol of Brasilia – it was deigned by Oscar Niemeyer.

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First great construction erected in the city, the Alvorada Palace was inaugurated even before Brasilia was finished, in 1958. Visitors cannot get in. Access is available through the Tourism Hotels Sector North. Information: +55 (61) 441-2317.

  • Praça dos Três Poderes (The “Three Powers Square”)
Praça dos Três Poderes concentrates some of the most important and significant buildings in the work and career of Oscar Niemeyer – the Planalto Palace, headquarters of Brazilian Presidency; the National Congress, hosting the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate; and the Higher Courts of Justice. The Square also hosts: the “Panteão da Pátria” (the Fatherland Banner), the Lúcio Costa Space and three important sculptures – “Pombal”, by Niemeyer; “Justice”, by Alfredo Ceschiatti; and “Os Candangos”, by Bruno Giorgi. In the central plaza a National Banner with 286 square meters is hold by a 100-meter high pole. It is located at the end of the Ministries Plateau.

  • National Congress
Headquarters of Brazilian Legislative Powers, the National Congress is composed of the Federal Senate – on the left side and represented by the "concave architectural dish" - and the Chamber of Deputies – located on the right side and represented by the "convex dish".

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There are guided visits at every hour, going through both session halls and the museums in both houses of the Legislative Power. In both Houses guided tours are held from Monday to Friday, from 9:30 to 11:30 am, and from 2:30 to 4:30 pm; and on Saturdays and Sundays, from 9 am to 1:30 pm. For more information on the Chamber of Deputies, call +55 (61) 216-1771; and for information about the Federal Senate, call +55 (61) 311-3343. It is located on the Three Powers Square, at the end of the Ministries Plateau.

  • The Planalto Palace
It is the headquarters of Brazilian Executive Power, including the offices of the President of the Republic. Guided visits last 20 minutes and may be made on Sundays, from 9:30 am to 1 pm.

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One of its attractions is the change of the guard at the Planalto Palace, held every two hours – the first one is at 8 am, and the last one is at 6 pm. It is located on the Three Powers Square, at the end of the Ministries Plateau. Information: +55 (61) 411-2317.

  • The Itamarati Palace
Also known as the “Arches Palace”, the Itamarati Palace holds a wide variety of artworks and antiques. Guided visits are available daily from 2 to 4:30 pm, and on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 am to 3:30 pm. It is located in the Ministries Plateau. Information: +55 (61) 411-6148.

  • The Supreme Federal Tribunal
It is the headquarters of the Country’s Judicial Power, the Higher Court holds a vast library with approximately 80 thousand volumes. Guided visits are available on Sundays, from 10 am to 4 pm, and last around 30 minutes – going through the Sessions Hall, the Noble Hall and three Museums. It is located on the Three Powers Square, in the Ministries Plateau. Information: +55 (61) 217-4058.

  • Palace of Justice at the Ministry of Justice
It is the headquarters for the Ministry of Justice, offering guided visits to its Black Hall, the Portraits Room, Library and Internal Garden. Visits are available from Monday to Friday, from 9 to 11 am and from 3 to 5 pm. It is located on the Three Powers Square, at the end of the Ministries Plateau. Information: +55 (61) 429-3401.

  • The Tancredo Neves Fatherland Banner Monument
Monument to freedom and democracy, it celebrates national heroes and especially ex-president Tancredo Neves. The project was designed by Oscar Niemeyer and hosts a collection of great artists, among them Athos Bulcão, João Câmara and Marianne Peretti. It is opened from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9 am to 6 pm, on the Three Powers Square, at the end of the Ministries Plateau. Information: +55 (61) 325-6244.

  • The Lúcio Costa Space
A space dedicated to the miniature plan of the city of Brasilia. It is located below street level under the Three Powers Square – at the end point of the Ministries Plateau -, and is opened from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9 am to 6 pm. Information: +55 (61) 321-9843.

  • The JK Bridge
Inaugurated in 2002, the JK Bridge is the third bridge built to connect the city’s Pilot Plan to the South Lake.

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It is considered one of the most beautiful bridges in the world.

  • Free Flying
Brasilia is known as a departing point for the practice of free flying sports, a sport that may be practiced with Hang Gliding or Paragliding wings. Practitioners of such sports reveal that, because of the city’s dry weather, the city offers strong thermal winds and great “cloud-streets” – which is also the name for a maneuver quite appreciated by practitioners. The national capital hosted the 14th Hang Gliding World Championship – one of the categories of free flying – in 2003. And in 2005, from August 21st to 27th, it will host the 2nd stage of the Brazilian Hang Gliding Championship.